
The Center provides modest support — travel assistance and seed money to initiate collaborative research — for graduate student research on human rights and democracy.  The CHRD promotes study abroad programs and other curricular innovations that connect students with the study of human rights across the globe.  Such study abroad programs include three-week sessions (“Race, Religion, and Conflict in Northern Ireland” and “Human Rights in Argentina”) as well as a full semester program in Strasbourg, France on “Human Rights and Democracy in Europe”.

Contact Dr. Ryan Carlin for more information.

Human Rights in Argentina: From Dictatorship to Democracy (1976-Today)

Political and Economic Opening in Cuba: Spring Break Study Abroad

History, Memory, and Visual Culture in Havana, Cuba

EU Studies Semester Abroad

South Africa: Engaging with Contemporary Writing

Race, Gender and Class in Contemporary South Africa

Costa Rica: Global Perspectives on Children and the Law

International Development and Community Service in Peru

American Literature and Human Rights in Newcastle upon Tyne

Berlin Beyond the Wall: Urban Space and Cultural Flows

From Dracula to Communism: Study Economics & Global Issues in Romania

Art and Conflict: Filmmaking in Ireland