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CHRD in the media

A Nation Divided: Political science professor Jennifer McCoy discusses the effects of political polarization on American society and democracy, and what it might take to set us on a different course.

2020 Rothschild Prize: Yellow Star, Red Star. Holocaust Remembrance after Communism by Jelena Subotić

  • Co-winner of the 2020 APSA Jervis-Schroeder Award for best book in International History and Politics.

In a Pandemic, Survivors of Torture Teach Lessons of Survival,” Fernando Reati, Saporta Report, May 4, 2020

How Holocaust Memory was Hijacked in Post-Communist States,” Balkan Transitional Justice, November 18 2019

The Curious Case of Holocaust Memory in Former Communist Countries,” interview with Dr. Jelena Subotic, August 5, 2019

“Does the Center Want to Hold?”, Jurisprudence, October 2 2018

“Dr. Andrew Cohen on Reparations and Global Poverty,” Speaking Broadly, October 1 2018

“Trump no le preguntara grandes temas,” La Segunda, September 27 2018

John Rawls: Reticent Socialist, reviewed in Jacobin and on New Books Network, Summer 2018

“The Convention on the Rights of the Child: Improving children’s lives,” Amnesty International UK blog, November 20 2017

“Corruption is not new to Brazil, so why is it threatening the presidency now?” The Washington Post, May 5 2016

“Next Tuesday a new day in the US electoral calendar begins” (page 2), La Segunda, February 3 2016

“The primaries begin”, La Segunda, February 1, 2016

“Paying for human rights violations: perceptions of the Colombian peace process,” openDemocracy, August 3 2015

“Executive Power and Economic Accountability,” Presidential Power, July 24, 2015

“An expert analyzes from abroad the national political scenario: Penta, SQM, and a new Constitution.” La Segunda, May 5 2015

“Terrorism and presidential approval,” Presidential Power, April 1 2015

“Happy Medium, Happy Citizens,” Presidential Power, March 17 2015

Divided government shields leaders from blame for the economy but affords no quarter in the fight against terrorism,” LSE USCentre, February 6 2015

The Latin American Voter: Pursuing Representation and Accountability in Challenging Contexts, 2015, University of Michigan Press

“Pitfalls abound in Colombia-FARC peace talks,” The Washington Post, August 28 2014